The Peace That Always Is

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Lessons from the spider

spider webAs the sun appeared from behind a cloud, a fragile glimmer caught my eye. A few feet away was a spider web, so delicate it wasn’t even visible until the sunlight hit it just right. In the middle of the web was a tiny spider. A few insects, seemingly small to me yet as big or bigger than the little spider, were trapped in the web. That’s the spider’s food supply, I thought. It diligently builds the web, then patiently waits, and then the nature of life’s abundance provides sustenance.

Those little insects were already flying around before the spider ever arrived. The spider didn’t have anything to do with that. What the spider did, was arrange to catch some of them for dinner. Had the spider done nothing, and not built the web, the insects would have still been flying around, but none of them would be available for dinner.

There is no shortage of small insects. And there is really no shortage of any kind of life’s abundance. Yet for that abundance to useful, it must be utilized in some specific, meaningful way. For the spider, that means building a web to provide a food supply. After all, food is quite meaningful to the spider.

By building the web, the spider gives meaningful expression to life’s abundance. The same dynamic applies on any level. When there is something meaningful to you, it is absolutely available to you somewhere within life’s limitless abundance. And yet it doesn’t just appear because you desire it. Rather, it appears when you express your desire for it through the living of your life. That’s a crucial distinction. For the spider, that means building its web. For me, it might mean building a website, or writing a book. For someone else it might mean studying to become a research scientist or a gymnastics instructor.

We all must build some kind of web, though. The web does not create the abundance, for the abundance is already there. What the web does, is connect us to whatever particular expression of abundance that we wish to experience. And that, in the manner of a virtuous cycle, makes even more of life’s abundance present and available.

As I watched a stiff breeze blow through the web I wondered. What happens when the web breaks? How does the spider feel about that? Actually, I realized, it doesn’t matter what the spider thinks or feels. What matters is whether or not the spider builds another web.

Life’s abundance never ends. Yet our various connections to that abundance come and go. If we mourn their passing too obsessively, then we miss out on opportunities to make more connections. We treasure each connection, not because of what it is but because of the abundance with which it connects us. If there were no insects to catch, the spider would have little use for any web.

What the spider understands is that the insects are always there. So if the web blows away, the thing to do is simply build another one. Sure, it’s a lot of work. Sure, it’s a shame that the old one is gone. But the abundance is not gone. It just needs a new connection.

We can often lose some connection or other to life’s abundance. Yet even when we do, the abundance is still very much there. And what we have is the opportunity to build an even better connection, an even bigger and stronger web. As soon as we do, the abundance flows more richly than ever.

The spider has now eaten all its prey. The insects are gone and it is crawling around the web, re-spinning portions of it, making ever stronger the connection to life’s abundance.

back yard

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Is it realistic to dream?

Is it realistic to dream? Or are there so many problems in the world that we cannot expect to dream of a better life, and to work to make that dream real?

Actually, the way I see it, there’s nothing more realistic than a dream you have for your life. Dreams create value. Dreams connect to the part of you that’s alive, the part of you that is unique and has value. Dreams connect to that.

Without dreams you have no meaningful purpose. Without dreams, in fact, there really are no problems. Because what is a problem anyway? How do you know something is a problem? It’s a problem because it gets in the way of the life you want to live. Well, what is it that you want to live? What is it that defines the life you want to live? It’s your dreams. It’s the purpose within you, the things that are important to you, your vision of how life can be when it’s at its best.

That’s what a dream is. Dreams are unrealistic? NO! Dreams are the core of your reality. Dreams are the standard by which you evaluate everything else, the standard by which you decide what’s desirable and what’s not.

That being the case, here we are. We’re in a world full of problems. Debt. Unemployment. Disease. War. Terrorism. On and on and on. Problems.

So what’s the best response?

Is the best response to whine and cry about it? Is the best response to give up because it’s so overwhelming? Is the best response to blame other people and get angry about it?

Or… is the best response to do something positive, to reach within yourself and connect with what you truly want to do, and with how you truly want to live, and to find a way to get it done?

The way I see it, the best response is to make use of whatever situation you find yourself in, to make use of the world in which you find yourself.

Are dreams realistic? I don’t know of anything that’s more realistic than what’s truly meaningful to you. Because without that, nothing else matters. Realistic doesn’t even have a definition if you don’t have a purpose. Realistic doesn’t matter if there’s nothing meaningful in your life.

Are dreams realistic? They certainly are for me. The dream of living a life of meaning is in fact the basis of all reality that I can experience. I can’t speak for anyone else. But for me, dreams are absolutely realistic. I hope they are for you too.

The Power of Ten Billion Dreams

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Move your dream from someday to now

Here’s a seven-word sentence that encompasses everything you must do to really, truly live your dream:

Move your dream from someday to now.

It’s fun to dream, to think about what you would like to do someday. But that someday part is a real problem. As long as you see your dream as occurring someday, it’s not going to happen for you. Every person who has ever achieved a dream has done so by changing that dream from someday to now.

What’s involved in doing that? Action. There is something you can do right now to begin living your dream. Of course that presents you with a real challenge. Are you serious about your dream or not? Do you truly want to live the reality of it, or do you just want to keep dreaming and wishing and hoping for it your entire life? If you’re serious, there absolutely is something you can do right now, some very definite start you can make today.

Yes, I know about the excuses. You have all sorts of them. After all, if you didn’t have all those excuses you would already be living the full and complete expression of your dream. But you’re not. What enables you to keep your distance from your dream are those very impressive excuses.

There’s not enough time. There’s not enough money. You don’t know anybody who could help you. Something’s holding you back and it’s not your fault. You’re tired. You got off to a slow start. You have a slow metabolism. What else? Do any of these sound vaguely familiar?

The most powerful excuses are the ones that are true. Some excuses are just flat-out lies, and you know it, and those are pretty easy to get beyond. But the excuses that are real and valid and reasonable and true, those have the power to hold you back forever if you let them. The good news is, you don’t have to let them.

Even though you have all sorts of great excuses, you can take action anyway. Even though there are plenty of totally valid reasons for not moving forward, you can move forward anyway. Here’s a really clever way to do that. When you change your dream from someday to now, you can make an offsetting transaction. You can move your excuses from now to someday. Make your dreams and your excuses trade places! Once you do that, the excuses lose all their power. Because you move your excuses to someday, and someday never comes. It’s never someday. It’s always today.

What’s so powerful about this little trick? It transforms the excuses that once held you back into powerful, compelling reasons for moving forward. For example, consider this all-too-common excuse:

“I don’t have enough time.”

Take that excuse and move it from now to someday. Here’s what happens to it:

“Someday I won’t have enough time.”

So far, so good. It’s no longer an excuse that you can use today. But there’s more, and here’s where it gets really interesting. Say the above sentence out loud to yourself. Go ahead. Do it. If there are people around and you’re afraid you might be embarrassed, just whisper it under your breath. But go ahead and say the sentence, “Someday I won’t have enough time.”

Notice that when you say that sentence, it is pretty much impossible to stop at the end of it. The statement demands some kind of resolution. You feel an irresistible urge to put a “so” at the end, and to complete the thought. Go ahead and do it. Add the word “so” and then say whatever naturally comes to mind. Something like this:

“Someday I won’t have enough time, so I’m making full use of the time I have today.”

Not only have you nullified the excuse, you’ve transformed it into a compelling reason to get going. By moving the excuse from now to someday, you’ve changed it from a negative to a positive.

Do you have excuses? Lots of them? Great! Move them all to someday. And with the empty space that’s now cleared out in this present day, put your dreams into action.

Whatever your dream may be, there is something you can do right now, some specific, positive action you can take, that will begin bringing that dream to life. The first step is right in front of you. You have everything it takes, right here, right now, to move your dream from someday to now. That first step will probably be a small one, and might seem insignificant. Yet there is great power in small actions that are repeated again and again.

Move your dream from someday to now.

What do you plan to do someday? Now is when you can go beyond planning and start doing. What dream would you like to be living someday? If it’s good enough for someday, it’s even better for today. Start living it now.

This is excerpted from Ralph Marston’s book, The Power of Ten Billion Dreams.

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Free to achieve

When people are free to achieve, they do. When people are free to achieve, they lift up not only themselves, but the others in their community and in their nation. Here’s an eye-opening video on economic freedom. There’s no question—freedom can be difficult. It requires vigilance, responsibility, effort and commitment. It is absolutely well worth the trouble.

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The value of the Internet

Would you be willing to give up access to the Internet for the rest of your life in exchange for one million dollars? If you’re like most people, probably not. But, you don’t pay anywhere near one million dollars for access to the Internet. So, when you purchase Internet access, you are getting much, much, much more than you pay for. This is a fascinating lesson in value that really hits home. You’re willing to pay for Internet access because the value to you is significantly greater than whatever you have to pay to get it.

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Achievement machine

When I refer in my new book, The Power of Ten Billion Dreams, to the amazing worldwide achievement machine making all sorts of capabilities available to the average person, this is exactly the kind of thing I’m talking about:

Pretty amazing to think of the possibilities when you can design a physical object on your computer, and then just press a button and have it created.

Question: In a world where this kind of thing is possible, where we have machines that produce whatever we can imagine, what kinds of skills will be most in demand?

Answer: The ability to imagine, the ability to envision things that will bring meaningful value to life. The ability… to DREAM!

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